The non-profit association Himalaya Projekt e.V. is grateful for every support you may offer.

Please note, that every donation will reach the respective project in full. Please check with your tax authorities: Donations to non-profit associations may be tax-deductible. If you need a donation receipt for your tax authorities, please email your address to ULLA SCHIEL,

Please make your donation to the following account, giving the name of the project you wish to support as the reason for payment:

Donation account:
Nepal Himalaya
IBAN DE81560900000057068489
Reference: .....
Up to 200 Euro the remittance slip is valid as a submission to the tax office.
Over 200 Euro we will gladly issue a donation receipt.
Please write us your address here:

Reason for Payment: Please enter the word “donation” and the name of the project you wish to support or the person you wish to sponsor.

Many thanks for your support!


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+49 160 973 312 72
+977 984 994 87 58

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